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East Medicine vs. West medicine

Certainly traditional medicine is capable of much. Nobody doubts this. However, too frequently we take various medicines without any special reason. This is not without causing harm to ones self: allergies, disbacteriosis, and every possible collateral reactions down to anaphylactic shock. And what about getting addicted to medicines and becoming dependent as a consequence thereof?

We have become used to the fact that medicines act on some specific part, being a “patch”. The medicines so widely used by traditional Western medicine, do not act directly to address the cause of the disease, (except maybe the antibacterial preparations).

The symptomatic application of medicines does not lead to the elimination of the cause for the illness, it just promotes the further progressions of the disease.

Recently modern mankind is actively searching for alternative methods for betterment of the being. And certainly, the main position here is being taken by methods and means used by the medicine of the East among which Chinese medicine its main component – Tibetan medicine – constitute the basic part.

The five-thousand-year history of the development of Chinese medicine has convincingly proved the expediency of its application, not only by the Chinese, but also by all people of our planet.

This expediency has been confirmed in the last decade during which surprisingly, BAA’s appeared in China, additives that did not contain any adverse properties and the effectiveness of which was equale to the effectiveness of medicines well-known to us.

We, all traditional doctors, are having difficulty in restructuring the thinking towards Eastern medicine and to taking note of its obvious advantages in comparison with Western medicine. Therefore we would like to thaw the mistrust of the non-conventional in our understanding of Eastern medicine.

It should be unconditionally admitted as a fact, that another medicine already exists for a very long time — the Eastern medicine, which is perhaps a more correct one, since the BAA’s used are safe, harmoniously regulate the functions of various organs and all systems of the human body, adjust the interaction between them, and model the condition of the immune system and the energy.

The experts at the WHO had developed a program for the integration of folk medicine into the national systems of public health services. Its purpose is to prove its efficiency and provide the safety of such therapy by maintaining the authenticity of healing practices.

“Chinese medicine should not be idealized, and not be considered that it entirely does not require any of the achievements western medicine has reached — claims Elvina Naumova the Director of the Russian Institute of Phytopharmacology and Preventive Medicine, – quite the contrary. Severe inflammatory processes, illnesses demanding surgical intervention or any other emergency measures for saving life -regarding all these subjects, Western medicine is far advanced. On the other hand we are already coping with chronic and systemic diseases, many of which are considered here as simply incurable – in this case traditional Chinese medicine can provide what we are missing. The synergy of Western and Eastern medicine could become very effective -including the struggle against such contemporary illnesses such as cancer or AIDS”.

The example of such a unique union, is the system of public health services in China, where national and modern medicines coexist with equal rights. The medical products created from ancient recipes on the basis of natural raw materials pass clinical tests, are being certified and manufactured at pharmaceutical factories, and the doctors are being trained in traditional healing practices in medical educational institutions. The official Western medicine gradually acquires this positive experience: acupuncture was recognised long ago by the WHO and has supplemented the arsenal of ways to treat—nervous system diseases and pains; some medical preparations have passed clinical tests and due to their efficiency have gained the trust of the doctors. The integrated approach in medicine has become most relevant and have the most perspective. And the merging between the East and the West, integration of cultures brings us the prospect of complete perception of the world which is the main value of both Chinese, and universal philosophy.

It is wonderful that the problem of integration between eastern medicine with official medicine is being very seriously considered in Lithuania. It is important to note the significant contribution of academician Jurgis Bredikis. Under his initiative the Kaunas Medical University started to teach the basics of Eastern medicine. The enhanced attention nowadays is also directed to the subject of training the graduate doctors to the methods of Eastern medicine.

The WHO has published a document named “The Strategy in the Field of Traditional Medicine” where on the basis of large-scale and long-lasting researches it is being admitted that it is both cheaper and more effective, and causes much less side effects… The task is being set for universal integration of folk medicine into the system of public health services.

China has one of the most comprehensive and advanced systems of medical knowledge recognised by the World Health Organisation as common property belonging to all mankind.

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